28th April 2023 Anthony Bowens Billy Gunn Max Caster (trio) defeated Cameron Stewart Dante Casanova Ryzin (trio) in a Trios squash match on Rampage with Max Caster getting the win over Cameron Stewart , match officiated by Rick Knox and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts #
3rd January 2023 Slim J Sonny Kiss (duos) defeated Cameron Stewart Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Jeeves Kay ringside with Sonny Kiss getting the win over Cameron Stewart and commentary from Excalibur, Taz #
2nd January 2023 Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett (duos) defeated Justin Andrews Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt ringside beat down by Satnam Singh with Jay Lethal getting the win over Justin Andrews and commentary from Matt Lee, Paul Wight #
28th September 2021 Adrian Jaoude Cezar Bononi (duos) defeated Jake St Patrick Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Cezar Bononi getting the win over Ryzin #
6th August 2021 Jungle Boy Jurassic Express Luchasaurus (duos) defeated D3 Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Marko Stunt ringside with Jungle Boy getting the win over D3 #
6th July 2021 Fuego Del Sol Marko Stunt (duos) defeated Baron Black Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Fuego del Sol getting the win over Ryzin #
21st June 2021 Shawn Spears Wardlow (duos) defeated Kal Herro Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Chuck Taylor, Kris Statlander, Trent ringside #
11th May 2021 Aaron Solo Nick Comoroto QT Marshall The Factory (trio) defeated Jake Logan Rick Recon Ryzin (trio) in a Trios match on Dark with Anthony Ogogo ringside with QT Marshall getting the win over Ryzin #
26th April 2021 Ryan Nemeth defeated Ryzin in a Singles match on Elevation with Cezar Bononi, JD Drake, Peter Avalon ringside – interference from Peter Avalon #
20th April 2021 Christopher Daniels Frankie Kazarian (duos) defeated John Skyler Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Frankie Kazarian getting the win over Ryzin #
5th April 2021 Isiah Kassidy Marq Quen The Blade The Butcher defeated Adam Priest D3 Fuego Del Sol Ryzin in a 8 Man Tag match on Elevation with Matt Hardy, The Bunny ringside #
16th March 2021 Alan Angels Colt Cabana Evil Uno Stu Grayson defeated Angel Fashion Baron Black Ryzin Vary Morales in a 8 Man Tag match on Dark #
9th March 2021 Brian Pillman Jr Griff Garrison The Blonds (duos) defeated Cameron Stewart Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
6th March 2021 Boulder Bronson Iron Savages (duos) defeated Cameron Stewart Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
2nd March 2021 Alan Angels Colt Cabana Evil Uno (trio) defeated John Skyler Levi Shapiro Ryzin (trio) in a Trios match on Dark #
23rd February 2021 Cezar Bononi Peter Avalon (duos) defeated Baron Black Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
16th February 2021 Powerhouse Hobbs defeated Ryzin in a Singles squash match on Dark with Hook ringside #
2nd February 2021 Anthony Bowens Max Caster The Acclaimed (duos) defeated Danny Limelight Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
26th January 2021 Ortiz Proud-n-Powerful Santana (duos) defeated Mike Verna Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
19th January 2021 Austin Gunn Billy Gunn Colten Gunn The Gunns (trio) defeated Adam Priest Ryzin Vary Morales (trio) in a Trios match on Dark #
12th January 2021 Jungle Boy Jurassic Express Luchasaurus (duos) defeated Fuego Del Sol Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
29th December 2020 Brian Cage Powerhouse Hobbs Ricky Starks (trio) defeated James Tapia Nick Comoroto Ryzin (trio) in a Trios match on Dark #
15th December 2020 Joey Janela Sonny Kiss (duos) defeated Ryzin Sean Maluta (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
8th December 2020 Austin Gunn Billy Gunn Colten Gunn The Gunns (trio) defeated Ryzin Sean Maluta Shawn Dean (trio) in a Trios match on Dark #
1st December 2020 Brian Pillman Jr Griff Garrison The Blonds (duos) defeated Cezar Bononi Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
6th November 2020 Evil Uno Stu Grayson (duos) defeated Ryzin Sean Maluta (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
13th October 2020 Austin Gunn Billy Gunn (duos) defeated Maxx Stardom Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
29th September 2020 Frankie Kazarian Scorpio Sky SCU (duos) defeated Ray Rosas Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
22nd September 2020 Alan Angels Preston Vance (duos) defeated Ryzin Xander Gold (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
4th September 2020 Lucha Brothers Penta El Zero M Rey Fenix (duos) defeated Angel Perez Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
1st September 2020 Ortiz Proud-n-Powerful Santana (duos) defeated Faboo Andre Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark #
18th August 2020 Alex Reynolds Colt Cabana John Silver (trio) defeated D3 Faboo Andre Ryzin (trio) in a Trios match on Dark #