14th December 2024 Daniel Garcia Komander Orange Cassidy Truth Magnum Turbo Floyd defeated Ari Daivari Josh Woods Madden Mansoor Tony Nese in a 10 Man Tag match on Collision with Alex Abrahantes, Mark Sterling ringside with Orange Cassidy getting the win over Josh Woods , match officiated by Stephon Smith and commentary from Matt Lee, Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura # barricadechairdancepose Fan Chants athletes sick freshly squeezed
19th October 2024 Daniel Garcia Isiah Kassidy Marq Quen (trio) defeated Ari Daivari Josh Woods Premier Athletes Tony Nese (trio) in a Trios match on Collision with Mark Sterling ringside distraction from Mark Sterling, Stokely Hathaway – interference from Mark Sterling with Marq Quen getting the win over Josh Woods , match officiated by Mike Posey and commentary from Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura # Fan Chants athletes suck
21st September 2024 Hologram Kyle O Reilly Mark Briscoe (trio) defeated Ari Daivari Josh Woods Premier Athletes Tony Nese (trio) in a Trios match on Collision with Mark Sterling, Rocky Romero ringside distraction from Mark Sterling – interference from Mark Sterling & Rocky Romero made the save with Mark Briscoe getting the win over Josh Woods , match officiated by Brandon Martinez and commentary from Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura #
7th September 2024 Dustin Rhodes Hologram Sammy Guevara (trio) defeated Ari Daivari Josh Woods Premier Athletes Tony Nese (trio) in a Trios match on All Out Zero Hour with Mark Sterling ringside distraction from Mark Sterling – interference from Mark Sterling with Dustin Rhodes getting the win over Josh Woods , match officiated by Brandon Martinez and commentary from Excalibur, Matt Lee, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura # Fan Chants we want dustin
31st August 2024 Austin Gunn Colten Gunn Juice Robinson (trio) defeated Ari Daivari Josh Woods Premier Athletes Tony Nese (trio) in a Trios match on Collision with Mark Sterling ringside with Colten Gunn getting the win over Josh Woods , match officiated by Bryce Remsburg and commentary from Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura #
10th August 2024 Darby Allin Hologram (duos) defeated Josh Woods Tony Nese (duos) in a Tag match on Collision with Ari Daivari, Mark Sterling ringside – interference from Ari Daivari, Mark Sterling with Hologram getting the win over Josh Woods , match officiated by Brandon Martinez and commentary from Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura # Fan Chants hologram
27th July 2024 Kyle O Reilly Mark Briscoe Tomohiro Ishii (trio) defeated Ari Daivari Josh Woods Premier Athletes Tony Nese (trio) in a Trios match on Collision distraction from Mark Sterling – interference from Mark Sterling with Kyle O Reilly getting the win over Josh Woods , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura # chair
22nd June 2024 Hook Katsuyori Shibata Samoa Joe (trio) defeated Ari Daivari Josh Woods Premier Athletes Tony Nese (trio) in a Trios match on Collision with Mark Sterling ringside distraction from Mark Sterling with Katsuyori Shibata getting the win over Tony Nese , match officiated by Paul Turner and commentary from Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Bobby Cruise #
19th May 2023 Anthony Bowens Billy Gunn Max Caster (trio) defeated Ari Daivari Josh Woods Premier Athletes Tony Nese (trio) in a Trios match on Rampage distraction from Ruby Soho – interference from Ruby Soho, Saraya with Max Caster getting the win over Tony Nese , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts #
3rd May 2023 Anthony Bowens Billy Gunn Max Caster defeated Aaron Solo Alex Reynolds Ari Daivari El Hijo Del Vikingo Evil Uno John Silver Josh Woods Kip Sabian Penta El Zero M Powerhouse Hobbs QT Marshall Rey Fenix The Blade The Butcher Tony Nese in a Trios Battle Royale match on Dynamite with Alex Abrahantes, Harley Cameron, Mark Sterling, Penelope Ford ringside – interference from Aaron Solo, QT Marshall , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards, Brandon Martinez, Mike Posey, Stephon Smith and commentary from Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts #
25th April 2023 Alex Reynolds John Silver (duos) defeated Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Mark Sterling ringside distraction from Ari Daivari, Mark Sterling & Evil Uno made the save with Alex Reynolds getting the win over Tony Nese , match officiated by Stephon Smith and commentary from Excalibur, Taz , the ring announcer was Dasha Gonzalez #
22nd April 2023 Cash Wheeler Dax Harwood Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett defeated Ari Daivari Josh Woods Slim J Tony Nese in a 8 Man Tag match on Rampage with Mark Sterling, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt ringside with Dax Harwood getting the win over Tony Nese , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Dasha Gonzalez #
11th April 2023 Josh Woods defeated Daisy K in a Singles match on Dark , match officiated by Stephon Smith and commentary from Excalibur, Taz , the ring announcer was Dasha Gonzalez #
5th March 2023 Mark Briscoe Penta El Zero M Rey Fenix (trio) defeated Ari Daivari Josh Woods Premier Athletes Tony Nese (trio) in a Trios match on Revolution Zero Hour with Alex Abrahantes, Mark Sterling ringside distraction from Mark Sterling beat down by Penta El Zero M with Mark Briscoe getting the win over Ari Daivari , match officiated by Mike Posey and commentary from Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone #
15th February 2023 Mark Briscoe defeated Josh Woods in a Singles match on Dynamite with Ari Daivari, Mark Sterling, Tony Nese ringside distraction from Mark Sterling – interference from Ari Daivari, Tony Nese & Penta El Zero M, Rey Fenix made the save and commentary from Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone #
14th February 2023 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Allen Russell Kameron Russell (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Josh Woods getting the win over Kameron Russell and commentary from Excalibur, Taz #
13th February 2023 Josh Woods defeated Man Scout in a Singles squash match on Elevation with Ari Daivari, Mark Sterling, Tony Nese ringside and commentary from Matt Lee, Paul Wight #
9th January 2023 Claudio Castagnoli defeated Josh Woods in a Singles match on Elevation to retain ROH World title with Mark Sterling, Wheeler Yuta ringside distraction from Mark Sterling and commentary from Matt Lee, Paul Wight #
3rd January 2023 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Adrian Alanis Liam Gray (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Mark Sterling ringside with Tony Nese getting the win over Adrian Alanis and commentary from Excalibur, Taz #
2nd January 2023 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Hunter Grey Parviz Pillars of Destiny (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Mark Sterling ringside with Josh Woods getting the win over Parviz and commentary from Matt Lee, Paul Wight #
23rd December 2022 AR Fox Dante Martin Darius Martin defeated Alex Reynolds Angelico Ari Daivari Chuck Taylor Claudio Castagnoli Dralistico Evil Uno John Silver Jon Moxley Josh Woods Kip Sabian Luther Orange Cassidy Preston Vance Rush Serpentico The Blade The Butcher Tony Nese Trent Wheeler Yuta in a Trios Battle Royale match on Rampage with Jose The Assistant, Mark Sterling ringside – interference from Adam Page and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone #
12th December 2022 Ari Daivari Josh Woods Premier Athletes Tony Nese (trio) defeated Brandon Cutler Luther Serpentico (trio) in a Trios match on Elevation with Mark Sterling ringside – interference from Mark Sterling with Ari Daivari getting the win over Serpentico and commentary from Matt Lee, Paul Wight, Tony Schiavone #
22nd November 2022 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Dean Alexander Rosario Grillo (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Mark Sterling ringside with Tony Nese getting the win over Rosario Grillo and commentary from Excalibur, Taz #
21st October 2022 Anthony Bowens Max Caster The Acclaimed (duos) defeated Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) in a Tag match on Rampage to retain Tag title with Mark Sterling ringside with Max Caster getting the win over Tony Nese and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, William Regal #
10th October 2022 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Action Andretti Myles Hawkins (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Mark Sterling ringside with Tony Nese getting the win over Nyles Hawkins and commentary from Ian Riccaboni, Matt Lee, Paul Wight #
7th October 2022 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Brian Pillman Jr Griff Garrison The Blonds (duos) in a Tag match on Rampage with Mark Sterling ringside which ended with a staredown with Anthony Bowens, Billy Gunn, Max Caster with Josh Woods getting the win over Griff Garrison and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone #
4th October 2022 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Invictus Khash Rohit Raju (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Mark Sterling ringside with Josh Woods getting the win over Invictus Khash #
23rd September 2022 Samoa Joe Wardlow WarJoe (duos) defeated Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) in a Tag match on Rampage with Mark Sterling ringside beat down by Josh Woods & Wardlow made the save with Samoa Joe getting the win over Tony Nese #
20th September 2022 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Baliyan Akki Ryan Matthews (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Mark Sterling ringside with Josh Woods getting the win over Ryan Matthews #
16th September 2022 Samoa Joe defeated Josh Woods in a Singles match on Rampage to Retain ROH tv title with Mark Sterling, Tony Nese ringside distraction from Mark Sterling beat down by Tony Nese – interference from Tony Nese & Wardlow made the save and commentary from Caprice Coleman #
6th September 2022 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Brandon Gore Storm Grayson (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Mark Sterling ringside distraction from Mark Sterling with Josh Woods getting the win over Storm Grayson #
5th September 2022 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Jordan Kross Renny D (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Mark Sterling ringside with Josh Woods getting the win over Jordan Kross #
23rd August 2022 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated GKM Oliver Sawyer (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Mark Sterling ringside with Josh Woods getting the win over Oliver Sawyer #
22nd August 2022 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Cristiano Argento Logan James (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Mark Sterling ringside with Josh Woods getting the win over Andrea Guercio #
15th August 2022 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Arik Cannon Travis Titan (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Josh Woods getting the win over Arik Cannon #
5th August 2022 Keith Lee Swerve in our Glory Swerve Strickland (duos) defeated Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) in a Tag Street Fight match on Rampage with Mark Sterling ringside beat down by Kiera Hogan with Swerve Strickland getting the win over Tony Nese #
4th August 2022 Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) defeated Damian Chambers Dean Alexander (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Mark Sterling ringside with Josh Woods getting the win over Damian Chambers #
5th July 2022 Josh Woods defeated Barrett Brown in a Singles match on Dark which ended with a staredown with Mark Sterling, Tony Nese #
1st March 2022 Daniel Garcia defeated Josh Woods in a Singles match on Dark with Jeff Parker, Matt Lee ringside #