6th October 2023 Komander defeated Johnny TV Lince Dorado Penta El Zero M in a Fatal 4 Way earn a roh world title match on Rampage with Aaron Solo, Alex Abrahantes, Harley Cameron ringside – interference from Aaron Solo with Komander getting the win over Lince Dorado , match officiated by Rick Knox and commentary from Eddie Kingston, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # song intro
3rd May 2023 Anthony Bowens Billy Gunn Max Caster defeated Aaron Solo Alex Reynolds Ari Daivari El Hijo Del Vikingo Evil Uno John Silver Josh Woods Kip Sabian Penta El Zero M Powerhouse Hobbs QT Marshall Rey Fenix The Blade The Butcher Tony Nese in a Trios Battle Royale match on Dynamite with Alex Abrahantes, Harley Cameron, Mark Sterling, Penelope Ford ringside – interference from Aaron Solo, QT Marshall , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards, Brandon Martinez, Mike Posey, Stephon Smith and commentary from Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts #
7th April 2023 Lucha Brothers Penta El Zero M Rey Fenix (duos) defeated Powerhouse Hobbs QT Marshall (duos) in a Tag match on Battle of the Belts to Retain ROH tag title with Aaron Solo, Alex Abrahantes, Harley Cameron ringside distraction from Aaron Solo – interference from Aaron Solo with Rey Fenix getting the win over QT Marshall , match officiated by Paul Turner and commentary from Caprice Coleman, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Bobby Cruise #
25th March 2023 Powerhouse Hobbs defeated Penta El Zero M in a Singles match on Rampage to retain TNT title with Aaron Solo, Alex Abrahantes, Harley Cameron, QT Marshall ringside distraction from QT Marshall – interference from Aaron Solo, QT Marshall & Alex Abrahantes, Rey Fenix made the save and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone #
25th October 2022 Ricky Starks defeated Nick Comoroto in a Singles match on Dark with Aaron Solo, QT Marshall ringside beat down by Ricky Starks – interference from Aaron Solo, QT Marshall and commentary from Excalibur, Taz match held in Canada #
19th July 2022 QT Marshall defeated Fuego Del Sol in a Singles match on Dark – interference from Aaron Solo, Nick Comoroto & Dante Martin, Matt Sydal made the save #
12th July 2022 Dante Martin defeated Nick Comoroto in a Singles match on Dark with Aaron Solo, Matt Sydal, QT Marshall ringside beat down by Aaron Solo, QT Marshall – interference from Aaron Solo & Fuego Del Sol made the save #
20th June 2022 Matt Sydal defeated QT Marshall in a Singles match on Elevation with Aaron Solo, Anthony Ogogo, Nick Comoroto ringside – interference from Aaron Solo, Nick Comoroto #
14th June 2022 QT Marshall defeated Alan Angels in a Singles match on Dark with Aaron Solo ringside distraction from Aaron Solo – interference from Aaron Solo & Alex Reynolds, Preston Vance made the save #
9th May 2022 Keith Lee Swerve in our Glory Swerve Strickland (duos) defeated Nick Comoroto QT Marshall (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Aaron Solo ringside distraction from Aaron Solo – interference from Aaron Solo with Keith Lee getting the win over Nick Comoroto #
26th April 2022 Penta El Zero M defeated QT Marshall in a Singles match on Dark with Aaron Solo, Alex Abrahantes ringside distraction from Aaron Solo – interference from Aaron Solo, Nick Comoroto #
25th April 2022 Minoru Suzuki defeated QT Marshall in a Singles match on Elevation with Aaron Solo, Nick Comoroto ringside distraction from Nick Comoroto – interference from Aaron Solo #
23rd November 2021 Lee Moriarty defeated Nick Comoroto in a Singles match on Dark with Aaron Solo ringside – interference from Aaron Solo #
25th October 2021 Preston Vance defeated QT Marshall in a Singles match on Elevation with Aaron Solo, Alan Angels, Alex Reynolds, John Silver, Negative One, Nick Comoroto ringside – interference from Aaron Solo, Nick Comoroto & Alan Angels, Alex Reynolds, John Silver made the save #
31st August 2021 QT Marshall defeated Evil Uno in a Singles match on Dark with Aaron Solo, Nick Comoroto ringside – interference from Aaron Solo, Nick Comoroto #
7th July 2021 Cody Rhodes defeated QT Marshall in a Singles South Beach Strap match on Dynamite with Aaron Solo, Arn Anderson, Nick Comorado ringside – interference from Aaron Solo & Dustin Rhodes made the save #
4th June 2021 Dustin Rhodes defeated Nick Comoroto in a Singles match on Dynamite with Aaron Solo ringside – interference from Aaron Solo & Colten Gunn made the save #