6th September 2024 Dustin Rhodes Hologram Sammy Guevara (trio) defeated Alex Reynolds Evil Uno John Silver (trio) in a Trios match on Rampage with Hologram getting the win over Alex Reynolds , match officiated by Brandon Martinez and commentary from Matt Lee, Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , also Ari Daivari, Josh Woods, Mark Sterling, Tony Nese were onlookers , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura #
29th March 2024 Dustin Rhodes defeated The Butcher in a Singles match on Rampage , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Excalibur, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts match held in Canada # steel steps
16th February 2024 Dustin Rhodes Marshall von Erich Ross von Erich (trio) defeated Hitt Romero Crews Shimbashi (trio) in a Trios match on Rampage with Dustin Rhodes getting the win over Romero Crews , match officiated by Bryce Remsburg and commentary from Excalibur, Matt Lee, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts #
14th July 2023 Dustin Rhodes Keith Lee Naturally Limitless (duos) defeated 2point0 Jeff Parker Matt Lee (duos) in a Tag match on Rampage with Keith Lee getting the win over Jeff Parker , match officiated by Bryce Remsburg and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts match held in Canada #
19th May 2023 Dustin Rhodes defeated Kaun in a Singles match on Rampage with Prince Nana ringside distraction from Prince Nana beat down by Brian Cage, Kaun, Prince Nana, Swerve Strickland – interference from Prince Nana & Keith Lee made the save , match officiated by Stephon Smith and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # blood
28th April 2023 Dustin Rhodes Keith Lee Naturally Limitless (duos) defeated Brady Pierce Charlie James (duos) in a Tag match on Rampage which ended with a staredown with Brian Cage, Kaun, Prince Nana, Swerve Strickland, Toa Liona with Keith Lee getting the win over Charlie James , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts #
3rd March 2023 Dustin Rhodes Keith Lee Naturally Limitless (duos) defeated Parker Boudreaux Swerve Strickland (duos) in a Tag match on Rampage with Keith Lee getting the win over Parker Boudreaux and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone #
17th February 2023 Dustin Rhodes defeated Swerve Strickland in a Singles match on Rampage with Parker Boudreaux ringside beat down by Parker Boudreaux, Swerve Strickland – interference from Parker Boudreaux & Keith Lee made the save and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone #
16th December 2022 Chuck Taylor Dustin Rhodes Orange Cassidy Trent defeated Kip Sabian The Blade The Butcher Trent Seven in a 8 Man Tag match on Rampage with Danhausen ringside distraction from Penelope Ford, The Bunny with Dustin Rhodes getting the win over Trent Seven and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone #
26th August 2022 Claudio Castagnoli defeated Dustin Rhodes in a Singles match on Rampage to retain ROH World title with Arn Anderson, Brock Anderson, Wheeler Yuta ringside and commentary from Caprice Coleman, William Regal #
1st July 2022 Brody King defeated Adam Page Dante Martin Darby Allin Dustin Rhodes Frankie Kazarian John Silver Keith Lee Konosuke Takeshita Matt Hardy Max Caster Orange Cassidy Penta El Zero M Powerhouse Hobbs Ricky Starks Rush Swerve Strickland The Blade The Butcher Tony Nese in a Battle Royale match on Rampage with Alex Abrahantes, Andrade El Idolo, Anthony Bowens, Billy Gunn, Jose The Assistant, Mark Sterling, The Bunny ringside beat down by Andrade El Idolo – interference from Mark Sterling # royal rampage