30th May 2021 Matt Jackson Nick Jackson The Young Bucks (duos) defeated Eddie Kingston Jon Moxley (duos) in a Tag match on Double or Nothing PPV to retain Tag title with Brandon Cutler ringside distraction from Brandon Cutler, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson – interference from Brandon Cutler, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson & Frankie Kazarian made the save with Matt Jackson getting the win over Jon Moxley , match officiated by Rick Knox and commentary from Don Callis, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # shoespray can
3rd February 2021 Chris Jericho MJF defeated Alex Reynolds Anthony Bowens Dante Martin Darius Martin Evil Uno Isiah Kassidy Jake Hager John Silver Jungle Boy Luchasaurus Marq Quen Matt Jackson Max Caster Nick Jackson Ortiz Sammy Guevara Santana Stu Grayson in a Tag Battle Royale match on Dynamite with Wardlow ringside distraction from Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson #