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Karl Anderson

11 Dynamite, 1 Elevation,
Name Wins
Jungle Boy Luchasaurus Penta El Zero M Rey Fenix 1
Evil Uno Stu Grayson 1
Adam Page Alex Reynolds Evil Uno John Silver Stu Grayson 1
Jon Moxley -1
Wheeler Yuta 1
Eddie Kingston Frankie Kazarian Penta El Zero M 1
Jon Moxley Matt Jackson Nick Jackson 1
Laredo Kid Penta El Zero M Rey Fenix 1
Eddie Kingston Jon Moxley -1
Jon Moxley PAC Rey Fenix 1
Alex Reynolds Evil Uno John Silver Stu Grayson 1
Brian Pillman Jr Danny Limelight Griff Garrison 1

Opponent History

  • Won & Lost to

  • Undefeated Against

  • Yet to Beat

Faction History

The Elite

Doc Gallows Karl Anderson Kenny Omega Matt Jackson Nick Jackson

Win Rates

Matches & Wins via month

Date Winner Matches
Sep 2021 (1/1) 1 1
Aug 2021 (1/1) 1 1
Jul 2021 (1/2) 1 2
Jun 2021 (2/2) 2 2
Apr 2021 (1/1) 1 1
Mar 2021 (1/2) 1 2
Feb 2021 (1/1) 1 1
Jan 2021 (2/2) 2 2

Match Types by year

8 Man Tag002000
10 Man Tag001000
Month Bar Data Line Data
Sep 2021 (2/1) 2 1
Aug 2021 (2/1) 2 1
Jul 2021 (2/2) 2 2
Jun 2021 (4/2) 4 2
Apr 2021 (2/1) 2 1
Mar 2021 (2/2) 2 2
Feb 2021 (2/1) 2 1
Jan 2021 (4/2) 4 2

View which wrestlers are undefeated against, who they are yet to beat and who they have won and lost to. Check out how your favourite wrestler is doing for each match type on each AEW show. View the wrestlers appearance % on each show. Find out when wrestlers last appeared on each show. Browse a list of wrestlers and who they are yet to face in AEW View a wrestlers record during battle royales, who they eliminated and who threw them over the ropes. A historical look at all battle royales, winners, most eliminated and who has eliminated the most wrestlers. View a list of wrestlers who have beaten down wrestlers after their match. Browse a list of wrestlers and who have defeated the most unique wrestlers and the number of wins against them. A view of title retentions, wins, failed opportunities, people most deserving of a title opportunity, belts on shows and lost reigns. Days between a wrestlers matches and filter by show. An overall of wrestlers appearances each year. View wrestlers matches by month. A graph of wins & losses for each match type. An overview of entrants during those matches. Browse a opponents incoming record against a wrestler and that wrestlers current win percentage. An overview of champions and their length of reign. See a wrestlers title matches over the years, all title matches, latest match and results. An overview of each wrestlers record, total wins by match type, appearances and title wins. Compare up to 4 wrestlers and browse by year. List of all matches which have taken part outside of America. See how many wins wrestlers had over a certain period of time. View wrestlers first match and their lastest match. View total losses for tag and trio teams. View each months match count and a percentage breakdown of distractions/interferences. Wrestlers who caused the most distractions and how many matches had a distraction. A historical view of each partnership in tag matches. A list of all tag teams and partnerships in AEW. A leaderboard of wrestlers with the most elminiations. A record of two wrestlers enounters over the years in singles and other match types. View a match card by show. Overview of shows and date aired. Leaderboard of wrestlers with the most opening and main event matches over the years. Browse a list of active and legacy groups and view their record. Browse roster members match count by show. Browse number of times wrestlers faced each other the most. View record between two feuding groups. Browse through all wrestlers record by interaction, show & year. View tags left by fans on various matches. Wrestlers who have won the most unique number of AEW championships Wrestlers who have benefitted the most from a wrestlers help. Wrestlers who have lost the most matches with this wrestler. View dates of title wins & reigns. Template for wrestlers who have won one hundred matches in AEW. Look back to discover a wrestlers starting record by interaction type. Quick overview of a wrestlers recent record by interaction type. Count of match types so far in AEW. Breakdown of wrestlers match types, wins and dates of last match type. People who have caused the most interferences and how many have happened recently. See when wrestlers on the roster had their first match in AEW. View a recent percentage win record for your favourite wrestler across all match types and by show. See dates for each match type. An overview of a wrestlers last match on each show and also their last win & loss. Browse a list or single wins, teams wins in tag and trio matches. Filter a wrestler loss record in AEW. See a list of wrestlers, tag & trios who have suffered the most defeats. Find out what opponents a wrestler has lost to the most. See which wrestlers have the most main events on tv shows & their win percentages. Browse wrestlers who have had the most matches and view the leaders for each show. Wrestlers with the most appearances & wins. Number of matches a referee has officated a wrestlers match and who they have the most wins with. A look back on previous lists listing matches from this day years ago. A leaderboard of wrestlers with the most wins for the opening matches. A list of wrestlers people have teamed with the most in AEW. Locate a wrestlers last match Get a unique cout of wrestler opponents and also the wrestlers they have yet to get a win over. View wrestlers win percentage. See a wrestlers match win percentage and yearly wins. Browse wrestlers win reccord for each interaction on each show. Browse wrestlers win reccord for each interaction on each show. Track a wrestlers win/loss record over the years Browse a leaderboard of wins by year and each month. See how well wrestlers have done in their last 20 matches. A tool to see how many wins a wrestler has one over a set number of matches. A tool to see how many wins a wrestler has one over a set number of matches. View leaderboard of wrestler wins in various match interactions. Count of matches officiated by each referee. Reviews from fans for various matches. Overview of roster members and their current record. Wrestlers who made the most saves after someone was beaten down after a match. Count of matches on each show. Leaderboard of mens & womens most appearances and wins on each show. Wrestlers with the most single victories by year. View which members on the roster a wrestler has defeated, lost to and never faced. Highest rated matches by the fans. Wrestlers who have had the most staredowns with another wrestler after a match. See a recent comparison between two wrestlers. Browse roster members win streaks on various shows and for singles matches. Browse win streaks for each interaction type & each show.

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