1st September 2021 Doc Gallows Karl Anderson Matt Jackson Nick Jackson defeated Jungle Boy Luchasaurus Penta El Zero M Rey Fenix in a 8 Man Tag match on Dynamite with Alex Abrahantes, Brandon Cutler, Marko Stunt ringside beat down by Kenny Omega, MT Nakazawa – interference from Brandon Cutler & Christian Cage made the save with Matt Jackson getting the win over Rey Fenix and commentary from Don Callis #
11th August 2021 Doc Gallows Karl Anderson The Good Brothers (duos) defeated Evil Uno Stu Grayson (duos) in a Tag match on Dynamite to retain Impact Tag Team title with Karl Anderson getting the win over Stu Grayson #
28th July 2021 Doc Gallows Karl Anderson Kenny Omega Matt Jackson Nick Jackson defeated Adam Page Alex Reynolds Evil Uno John Silver Stu Grayson in a 10 Man Tag match on Dynamite with Brandon Cutler, MT Nakazawa ringside and commentary from Don Callis #
28th June 2021 Karl Anderson defeated Wheeler Yuta in a Singles match on Elevation with Doc Gallows, The Young Bucks ringside #
18th June 2021 Doc Gallows Karl Anderson Matt Jackson (trio) defeated Eddie Kingston Frankie Kazarian Penta El Zero M (trio) in a Trios match on Dynamite – interference from Nick Jackson with Karl Anderson getting the win over Penta el Zero M and commentary from Don Callis #
7th April 2021 Doc Gallows Karl Anderson Kenny Omega (trio) defeated Jon Moxley Matt Jackson Nick Jackson (trio) in a Trios match on Dynamite and commentary from Don Callis #
31st March 2021 Doc Gallows Karl Anderson Kenny Omega (trio) defeated Laredo Kid Penta El Zero M Rey Fenix (trio) in a Trios match on Dynamite #
3rd February 2021 Doc Gallows Karl Anderson Kenny Omega (trio) defeated Jon Moxley PAC Rey Fenix (trio) in a Trios match on Dynamite with Don Callis ringside #
27th January 2021 Doc Gallows Karl Anderson Matt Jackson Nick Jackson defeated Alex Reynolds Evil Uno John Silver Stu Grayson in a 8 Man Tag match on Dynamite #
13th January 2021 Doc Gallows Karl Anderson Kenny Omega (trio) defeated Brian Pillman Jr Danny Limelight Griff Garrison (trio) in a Trios match on Dynamite #