4th January 2025 Jeff Jarrett defeated Aaron Solo in a Singles match on Collision , match officiated by Mike Posey and commentary from Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura # strut Fan Chants double j
28th December 2024 Jeff Jarrett defeated QT Marshall in a Singles match on Worlds End Zero Hour distraction from Aaron Solo & Jay Lethal made the save , match officiated by Stephon Smith and commentary from Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # danceguitarstrut Fan Chants qt sucks you still got it
30th August 2024 Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett defeated Isiah Kassidy Marq Quen Matt Taven Mike Bennett Private Party The Kingdom in a 3 Way Tag match on Rampage with Karen Karrett, Sonjay Dutt ringside with Jeff Jarrett getting the win over Matt Taven , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Excalibur, Matt Lee, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura # eye gougeeye poke Fan Chants shots
24th August 2024 Jeff Jarrett defeated Ari Daivari in a Singles match on Collision with Karen Jarrett ringside , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura match held in Wales # strut Fan Chants double double j fuck him up jarrett fuck him up nah nah nah nah nah nah double double j
19th June 2024 Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett (duos) defeated The Outrunners Truth Magnum Turbo Floyd (duos) in a Tag match on Unaired Dark with Karen Jarrett, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt ringside , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards , the ring announcer was Arkady Aura #
21st October 2023 Jeff Jarrett defeated Eddie Kingston in a Singles Memphis Street match on Collision with Jay Lethal, Karen Jarrett, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt ringside – interference from Jay Lethal, Karen Jarrett, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt to earn a roh world title match , match officiated by Stephon Smith and commentary from Dave Brown, Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Dasha Gonzalez # barbed wire batbarricadebloodchairconeguitarkendo stickketchupled pipemustardparking signtabletrash cantrash lid
16th August 2023 Jeff Jarrett defeated Jeff Hardy in a Singles The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Deathmatch match on Dynamite to obtain the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Deathmatch Title, – interference from Ethan Page, Isiah Kassidy, Jay Lethal, Karen Jarrett, Leatherface, Matt Hardy, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt , match officiated by Bryce Remsburg, Mike Posey and commentary from Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # backstagechairguitarhammerkendo stickpipesscarftabletrash lid
3rd June 2023 Jeff Jarrett Satnam Singh (duos) defeated Brandon Tate Brent Tate The Boys (duos) in a Tag match on House Rules with Karen Jarrett ringside beat down by Jeff Jarrett with Satnam Singh getting the win over Brandon Tate , match officiated by Mike Posey , the ring announcer was Lexy Nair #
26th April 2023 Jeff Jarrett defeated Dax Harwood in a Singles match on Dynamite with Cash Wheeler, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt ringside – interference from Sonjay Dutt , match officiated by Bryce Remsburg and commentary from Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts #
22nd April 2023 Cash Wheeler Dax Harwood Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett defeated Ari Daivari Josh Woods Slim J Tony Nese in a 8 Man Tag match on Rampage with Mark Sterling, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt ringside with Dax Harwood getting the win over Tony Nese , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Dasha Gonzalez #
14th April 2023 Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett Mark Briscoe Satnam Singh defeated Angelico Luther Man Scout Serpentico in a 8 Man Tag match on Rampage with Sonjay Dutt ringside beat down by Brian Cage with Mark Briscoe getting the win over Manscout , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts #
18th March 2023 Jeff Jarrett defeated Brian Pillman Jr in a Singles match on House Rules House Show , match officiated by Stephon Smith #
28th February 2023 Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett Satnam Singh (trio) defeated Jackson Drake Jay Malachi Oliver Sawyer (trio) in a Trios match on Dark beat down by Jeff Jarrett, Satnam Singh with Jeff Jarrett getting the win over Jay Malachi and commentary from Excalibur, Taz #
22nd February 2023 Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett defeated Alex Reynolds Ari Daivari Chuck Taylor Dante Martin Darius Martin Jeff Parker John Silver Kyle Fletcher Mark Davis Matt Lee Penta El Zero M Preston Vance Rey Fenix Rush The Blade The Butcher Tony Nese Trent in a Tag Battle Royale match on Dynamite with Alex Abrahantes, Danhausen, Jose The Assistant, Josh Woods, Mark Sterling, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt ringside distraction from Sonjay Dutt beat down by Preston Vance, Rush – interference from Danhausen, Jose The Assistant, Josh Woods, Orange Cassidy, Penta El Zero M, Preston Vance, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt & Mark Briscoe made the save which ended with a staredown with Claudio Castagnoli, Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta and commentary from Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone #
21st February 2023 Jeff Jarrett Satnam Singh (duos) defeated Brandon Tate Brent Tate The Boys (duos) in a Tag match on Dark beat down by Jeff Jarrett, Satnam Singh with Satnam Singh getting the win over Brent Tate and commentary from Excalibur, Taz #
27th January 2023 Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett Satnam Singh (trio) defeated Chuck Taylor Danhausen Trent (trio) in a Trios match on Rampage with Orange Cassidy, Sonjay Dutt ringside – interference from Orange Cassidy, Sonjay Dutt with Satnam Singh getting the win over Danhausen and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone #
2nd January 2023 Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett (duos) defeated Justin Andrews Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt ringside beat down by Satnam Singh with Jay Lethal getting the win over Justin Andrews and commentary from Matt Lee, Paul Wight #
23rd December 2022 Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett (duos) defeated Anthony Bowens Billy Gunn (duos) in a Tag match on Rampage with Max Caster, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt ringside distraction from Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt – interference from Max Caster, Sonjay Dutt with Jay Lethal getting the win over Billy Gunn and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone #
20th December 2022 Jeff Jarrett Satnam Singh (duos) defeated Dean Alexander Rosario Grillo (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Jeff Jarrett getting the win over Rosario Grillo and commentary from Excalibur, Taz #
2nd December 2022 Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett (duos) defeated Isiah Kassidy Marq Quen Private Party (duos) in a Tag match on Rampage with Matt Hardy, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt ringside – interference from Sonjay Dutt with Jay Lethal getting the win over Marq Quen and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone #