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22nd February 2023

AEW Matches

22nd February 2023

  • in a Tag Battle Royale match on , , , , , , , was ringside, distraction from with commentary from , , – interference from , , , , , , , with a beatdown by , & made the save which ended with a staredown with , ,


    1. Penta El Zero M eliminated Tony Nese Ari Daivari Preston Vance
    2. Rey Fenix eliminated Ari Daivari Rush The Butcher
    3. The Butcher eliminated Kyle Fletcher Alex Reynolds John Silver Dante Martin
    4. The Blade eliminated Mark Davis
    5. Kyle Fletcher eliminated Darius Martin
    6. Mark Davis eliminated Darius Martin
    7. John Silver eliminated The Blade
    8. Rush eliminated Penta El Zero M
    9. Trent eliminated Jeff Parker Jay Lethal
    10. Chuck Taylor eliminated Matt Lee
    11. Jeff Jarrett eliminated Chuck Taylor Trent
    12. Jay Lethal eliminated Rey Fenix Chuck Taylor

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