19th February 2025 Powerhouse Hobbs defeated Big Bill in a Singles Street Fight match on Dynamite – interference from Bryan Keith , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni, Taz , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # backpackbarbed wire tablebarricadebeer canbloodchaircrowdkeyboardmonkey wrenchsign postsound mixersteel stepstrashtrash cantrash lidtrolley Fan Chants meat meat forever powerhouse we want tables you sick fuck
20th March 2024 Julia Hart Skye Blue (duos) defeated Kris Statlander Willow Nightingale (duos) in a Womens Tag Street Fight match on Rampage with Julia Hart getting the win over Kris Statlander , match officiated by Paul Turner and commentary from Excalibur, Matt Lee, Stokely Hathaway, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts match held in Canada # barricadebloodchaircommentry deskkendo stickspikesteel stepstablethumbtacks Fan Chants this is awesome you sick fuck
13th January 2024 Big Bill Ricky Starks (duos) defeated Chris Jericho Sammy Guevara (duos) in a Tag Street Fight match on Battle of the Belts to retain Tag title distraction from Rhett Titus – interference from Konosuke Takeshita, Powerhouse Hobbs with Ricky Starks getting the win over Sammy Guevara , match officiated by Brandon Martinez, Paul Turner and commentary from Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Dasha Gonzalez # beerblanketbrickscardboard boxchristmas figurefire extinguisherfood standfood traygolf cartkendi sticklaundry cartlighting trusslow blowmachine copiermopmustardphotocopyplungerpower convertersroad barricaderucksackscrollsteel pipetabletable clothtraffic conetraffic signtrash bintrash lidtrolley carttruckwater bottlewet floor safetly sign
15th November 2023 Chris Jericho Kenny Omega Kota Ibushi Paul Wight defeated Brian Cage Konosuke Takeshita Kyle Fletcher Powerhouse Hobbs in a 8 Man Tag Street Fight match on Dynamite with Kenny Omega getting the win over Brian Cage , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards, Paul Turner and commentary from Don Callis, Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # barbed wire batbarricadebaseball batbatonbeer bottlesbeer canbelt barrierbicyclebitingbloodboardcarchairscratecrispsduck tapefire extinguisherfurniturepalletpiperestaurant menushoveltabletie choketrash lid
13th January 2023 Ruby Soho Willow Nightingale (duos) defeated Anna Jay Tay Melo (duos) in a Womens Tag Street Fight match on Rampage with Ruby Soho getting the win over Tay Melo #
5th August 2022 Keith Lee Swerve in our Glory Swerve Strickland (duos) defeated Josh Woods Tony Nese Varsity Athletes (duos) in a Tag Street Fight match on Rampage with Mark Sterling ringside beat down by Kiera Hogan with Swerve Strickland getting the win over Tony Nese #
6th July 2022 Wardlow defeated Scorpio Sky in a Singles Street Fight match on Dynamite to win TNT title with American Top Team, Dan Lambert, Ethan Page ringside distraction from Dan Lambert – interference from American Top Team, Dan Lampert #
31st December 2021 Anna Jay Tay Melo (duos) defeated Penelope Ford The Bunny (duos) in a Womens Tag Street Fight match on Rampage with Anna Jay getting the win over The Bunny #
8th October 2021 Ricky Starks defeated Brian Cage in a Singles Street Fight match on Rampage to retain FTW title with Hook, Powerhouse Hobbs ringside – interference from Hook, Powerhouse Hobbs #
29th September 2021 Anna Jay Tay Melo (duos) defeated Penelope Ford The Bunny (duos) in a Womens Tag Street Fight match on Dynamite with Anna Jay getting the win over Penelope Ford #