in a Tag match on Dynamite, with commentary from Don Callis with Matt Jackson getting the win over Mike Sydal, #
in a Singles match on Dynamite, Alex Abrahantes, Trent was ringside, – interference from Alex Abrahantes #
in a Womens Singles match on Dynamite, Kip Sabian, Orange Cassidy was ringside, #
in a Trios match on Dynamite, Anthony Agogo was ringside, with a beatdown by Nick Comoroto & Austin Gunn, Cody Rhodes, Colten Gunn made the save #
in a Singles match on Dynamite, to retain TNT title Alan Angels, Alex Reynolds, Colt Cabana, Evil Uno, Sting, Stu Grayson was ringside, – interference from Ethan Page, Scorpio Sky #