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3 matches with this hashtag

26th July 2024

  • in a Battle Royale match on , came out & , was ringside, match officiated by , , , , with commentary from , , – interference from with a beatdown by also , , were onlookers , the announcer was , also spoke on the mic

    Fan Chants
    darby meat one more time


    1. Orange Cassidy eliminated Mike Bennett
    2. Claudio Castagnoli eliminated Lio Rush Jay Lethal Brian Cage
    3. Brody King eliminated The Butcher Roderick Strong
    4. Tomohiro Ishii eliminated Brandon Cutler
    5. Brian Cage eliminated Matt Lee Jeff Jarrett
    6. Roderick Strong eliminated Kyle O Reilly
    7. Kip Sabian eliminated Nick Wayne
    8. Nick Wayne eliminated Komander
    9. Kyle O'Reilly eliminated Matt Taven
    10. Jeff Jarrett eliminated Kip Sabian
    11. Matt Taven eliminated Orange Cassidy
    12. Jay Lethal eliminated Kip Sabian
    13. Mike Bennett eliminated Tomohiro Ishii
    14. Darby Allin eliminated Brody King Claudio Castagnoli
    15. Lio Rush eliminated The Beast Mortos
  • 24th May 2024

    13th January 2024

  • Big Bill Ricky Starks (duos) won via Pinfall Chris Jericho Sammy Guevara (duos)

    in a Tag match on , to title distraction from match officiated by , with commentary from , , – interference from , with getting the win over , , the announcer was

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