Darby Allin won via Survival Brandon Cutler Brian Cage Brody King Claudio Castagnoli Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett Kip Sabian Komander Kyle O Reilly Lio Rush Matt Lee Matt Taven Mike Bennett Nick Wayne Orange Cassidy Roderick Strong The Beast Mortos The Butcher Tomohiro Ishii
in a Battle Royale match world title match at Grand Slam on Rampage, Sonjay Dutt came out & Alex Abrahantes, Karen Jarrett was ringside, match officiated by Aubrey Edwards, Bryce Remsburg, Mike Posey, Paul Turner, Rick Knox with commentary from Excalibur, Matt Lee, Tony Schiavone – interference from Adam Page with a beatdown by Adam Page also Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, Mother Wayne were onlookers , the announcer was Bobby Cruise , also Brandon Cutler spoke on the mic #
- Orange Cassidy eliminated Mike Bennett
- Claudio Castagnoli eliminated Lio Rush Jay Lethal Brian Cage
- Brody King eliminated The Butcher Roderick Strong
- Tomohiro Ishii eliminated Brandon Cutler
- Brian Cage eliminated Matt Lee Jeff Jarrett
- Roderick Strong eliminated Kyle O Reilly
- Kip Sabian eliminated Nick Wayne
- Nick Wayne eliminated Komander
- Kyle O'Reilly eliminated Matt Taven
- Jeff Jarrett eliminated Kip Sabian
- Matt Taven eliminated Orange Cassidy
- Jay Lethal eliminated Kip Sabian
- Mike Bennett eliminated Tomohiro Ishii
- Darby Allin eliminated Brody King Claudio Castagnoli
- Lio Rush eliminated The Beast Mortos