CM Punk won via Pinfall Powerhouse Hobbs
in a Singles match on Rampage, Hook was ringside, distraction from Hook #
in a Singles match on Rampage, Hook was ringside, distraction from Hook #
in a Trios match on Rampage, Brandon Cutler, Doc Gallows, Don Callis, Karl Anderson, Marko Stunt was ringside, distraction from Doc Gallows with Adam Cole getting the win over Luchasaurus, #
in a Tag match on Rampage, Dan Lambert was ringside, with Scorpio Sky getting the win over Jake Hager, #
in a 8 Man Tag match on Rampage, Alex Abrahantes, Matt Hardy, The Bunny was ringside, with Santana getting the win over Marq Quen, #
in a Womens Singles match on Rampage, distraction from The Bunny & Tay Melo made the save which ended with a staredown with Alan Angels, Alex Reynolds, Colt Cabana, Evil Uno, Isiah Kassidy, John Silver, Kris Statlander, Marq Quen, Matt Hardy, Orange Cassidy, Preston Vance, Stu Grayson, The Blade, The Butcher #
in a Tag match Lights Out , Unsanctioned on Rampage, – interference from Homicide with Eddie Kingston getting the win over Lance Archer, #