11th April 2023 Josh Woods defeated Daisy K in a Singles match on Dark , match officiated by Stephon Smith and commentary from Excalibur, Taz , the ring announcer was Dasha Gonzalez #
15th February 2023 Mark Briscoe defeated Josh Woods in a Singles match on Dynamite with Ari Daivari, Mark Sterling, Tony Nese ringside distraction from Mark Sterling – interference from Ari Daivari, Tony Nese & Penta El Zero M, Rey Fenix made the save and commentary from Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone #
13th February 2023 Josh Woods defeated Man Scout in a Singles squash match on Elevation with Ari Daivari, Mark Sterling, Tony Nese ringside and commentary from Matt Lee, Paul Wight #
9th January 2023 Claudio Castagnoli defeated Josh Woods in a Singles match on Elevation to retain ROH World title with Mark Sterling, Wheeler Yuta ringside distraction from Mark Sterling and commentary from Matt Lee, Paul Wight #
16th September 2022 Samoa Joe defeated Josh Woods in a Singles match on Rampage to Retain ROH tv title with Mark Sterling, Tony Nese ringside distraction from Mark Sterling beat down by Tony Nese – interference from Tony Nese & Wardlow made the save and commentary from Caprice Coleman #
5th July 2022 Josh Woods defeated Barrett Brown in a Singles match on Dark which ended with a staredown with Mark Sterling, Tony Nese #
1st March 2022 Daniel Garcia defeated Josh Woods in a Singles match on Dark with Jeff Parker, Matt Lee ringside #