30th December 2022 Jade Cargill defeated Kiera Hogan in a Womens Singles match on Rampage to retain TBS title with Leila Grey, Red Velvet ringside – interference from Leila Grey and commentary from Excalibur, Paul Wight, Tony Schiavone #
23rd December 2022 Jade Cargill defeated Vertvixen in a Womens Singles eliminator match on Rampage with Leila Grey, Red Velvet ringside – interference from Leila Grey, Red Velvet and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone #
20th December 2022 Jade Cargill defeated Dream Girl Ellie in a Womens Singles squash eliminator match on Dark with Leila Grey, Red Velvet ringside and commentary from Excalibur, Taz #
3rd June 2022 Athena defeated Kiera Hogan in a Womens Singles match on Rampage with Jade Cargill, Red Velvet, Stokely Hathaway ringside – interference from Red Velvet #
29th May 2022 Jade Cargill defeated Anna Jay in a Womens Singles match on Double or Nothing PPV to retain TBS title with Kiera Hogan, Red Velvet ringside distraction from Mark Sterling, Stokely Hathaway – interference from Kiera Hogan, Red Velvet & John Silver made the save which ended with a staredown with Athena, Kris Statlander , match officiated by Stephon Smith and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , also Kiera Hogan, Red Velvet were onlookers , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # crutch
10th May 2022 Kiera Hogan defeated Skye Blue in a Womens Singles match on Dark with Red Velvet ringside – interference from Red Velvet #
8th June 2021 Big Swole Kilynn King (duos) defeated Ashley Vox Delmi Exo Sea Stars (duos) in a Womens Tag match on Dark with Red Velvet ringside with Kilynn King getting the win over Delmi Exo #
20th April 2021 Big Swole Kilynn King (duos) defeated Ashley Manukainiu MK Twins Steff Manukainiu (duos) in a Womens Tag match on Dark with Red Velvet ringside with Big Swole getting the win over Ashley #