19th November 2022 Jade Cargill defeated Nyla Rose in a Womens Singles match on Full Gear PPV to retain TBS title with Kiera Hogan, Leila Grey, Marina Shafir, Vickie Guerrero ringside and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Taz #
7th October 2022 Jade Cargill defeated Willow Nightingale in a Womens Singles match on Battle of the Belts to retain TBS title with Kiera Hogan, Leila Grey ringside which ended with a staredown with Nyla Rose, Vickie Guerrero and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Ricky Starks, Tony Schiavone #
4th September 2022 Jade Cargill defeated Athena in a Womens Singles match on All Out PPV to retain TBS title with Kiera Hogan, Leila Grey ringside – interference from Kiera Hogan, Leila Grey #
10th August 2022 Jade Cargill defeated Madison Rayne in a Womens Singles match on Dynamite to retain TBS title with Kiera Hogan, Stokely Hathaway ringside distraction from Kiera Hogan beat down by Athena #
29th June 2022 Jade Cargill defeated Leila Grey in a Womens Singles match on Dynamite to retain TBS title with Kiera Hogan, Stokely Hathaway ringside which ended with a staredown with PAC #
17th June 2022 Jade Cargill defeated Willow Nightingale in a Womens Singles match on Rampage to retain TBS title with Kiera Hogan ringside beat down by Jade Cargill, Kiera Hogan – interference from Kiera Hogan, Kris Statlander & Athena made the save #
10th June 2022 Kris Statlander defeated Red Velvet in a Womens Singles match on Rampage with Jade Cargill, Kiera Hogan, Stokely Hathaway ringside beat down by Jade Cargill, Kiera Hogan & Anna Jay made the save which ended with a staredown with Athena #
29th May 2022 Jade Cargill defeated Anna Jay in a Womens Singles match on Double or Nothing PPV to retain TBS title with Kiera Hogan, Red Velvet ringside distraction from Mark Sterling, Stokely Hathaway – interference from Kiera Hogan, Red Velvet & John Silver made the save which ended with a staredown with Athena, Kris Statlander , match officiated by Stephon Smith and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , also Kiera Hogan, Red Velvet were onlookers , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # crutch
20th May 2022 Kris Statlander defeated Red Velvet in a Womens Singles Quarter Final of the tournament, Womens Owen Hart Foundation Cup match on Rampage with Jade Cargill, Kiera Hogan, Mark Sterling ringside beat down by Kiera Hogan, Red Velvet, Ruby Soho – interference from Kiera Hogan #