17th April 2023 Isiah Kassidy Matt Hardy (duos) defeated Bobby Orlando Brett Gosselin (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Isiah Kassidy getting the win over Brett Gosselin , match officiated by Mike Posey and commentary from Matt Lee, Paul Wight , the ring announcer was Dasha Gonzalez #
7th April 2023 Anthony Bowens Jeff Parker Matt Lee Max Caster defeated Bobby Orlando Carlie Bravo LSG Shawn Dean in a 8 Man Tag match on Rampage with Billy Gunn, Jake Hager ringside with Max Caster getting the win over Bobby Orlando , match officiated by Stephon Smith and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Dasha Gonzalez #
1st August 2022 Aaron Solo Anthony Ogogo Nick Comoroto QT Marshall defeated Bobby Orlando Brett Gosselin Bryce Donovan TUG Cooper in a 8 Man Tag match on Elevation with QT Marshall getting the win over Bobby Orlando #