1st September 2021 Doc Gallows Karl Anderson Matt Jackson Nick Jackson defeated Jungle Boy Luchasaurus Penta El Zero M Rey Fenix in a 8 Man Tag match on Dynamite with Alex Abrahantes, Brandon Cutler, Marko Stunt ringside beat down by Kenny Omega, MT Nakazawa – interference from Brandon Cutler & Christian Cage made the save with Matt Jackson getting the win over Rey Fenix and commentary from Don Callis #
17th March 2021 Eddie Kingston Jon Moxley (duos) defeated Doc Gallows Karl Anderson The Good Brothers (duos) in a Tag match on Dynamite beat down by Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, Kenny Omega #
29th June 2019 Jon Moxley defeated Joey Janela in a Singles Unsanctioned match on Fyter Fest PPV beat down by Kenny Omega #