24th September 2021 Adam Cole Matt Jackson Nick Jackson SuperKliq (trio) defeated Christian Cage Jungle Boy Luchasaurus (trio) in a Trios match on Rampage with Brandon Cutler, Doc Gallows, Don Callis, Karl Anderson, Marko Stunt ringside distraction from Doc Gallows with Adam Cole getting the win over Luchasaurus #
21st July 2021 Doc Gallows defeated Frankie Kazarian in a Singles match on Dynamite with Karl Anderson ringside beat down by Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson – interference from Karl Anderson #
12th May 2021 Matt Jackson Nick Jackson The Young Bucks (duos) defeated Christopher Daniels Frankie Kazarian (duos) in a Tag match on Dynamite to retain Tag title with Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson ringside and commentary from Don Callis #