21st September 2021 Joey Janela defeated Dillon McQueen in a Singles match on Dark with Kayla Rossi ringside – interference from Kayla Rossi #
15th June 2021 Cezar Bononi defeated Dillon McQueen in a Singles squash match on Dark with JD Drake, Peter Avalon, Ryan Nemeth ringside #
10th May 2021 Marq Quen Matt Hardy (duos) defeated Dean Alexander Dillon McQueen (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Isiah Kassidy ringside with Matt Hardy getting the win over Dean Alexander #
3rd May 2021 QT Marshall defeated Dillon McQueen in a Singles match on Elevation with Aaron Solo, Anthony Agogo, Nick Comoroto ringside beat down by Aaron Solo, QT Marshall #