1st December 2023 El Hijo Del Vikingo Komander Penta El Zero M (trio) defeated Anthony Henry Brian Cage JD Drake (trio) in a Trios match on Rampage with El Hijo Del Vikingo getting the win over Anthony Henry , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Excalibur, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # friendly firewalk off
1st September 2023 El Hijo Del Vikingo Nick Wayne (duos) defeated Gringo Loco Kip Sabian (duos) in a Tag match on Rampage with Penelope Ford ringside distraction from Penelope Ford with El Hijo Del Vikingo getting the win over Gringo Loco , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone #
2nd June 2023 El Hijo Del Vikingo defeated Dralistico Komander in a Triple Threat match on Rampage to retain AAA Mega title with Jose The Assistant ringside – interference from Jose The Assistant with El Hijo Del Vikingo getting the win over Dralistico , match officiated by Brandon Martinez and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # rolluptable