8th January 2025 Kris Statlander defeated Toni Storm Willow Nightingale in a Womens Triple Threat #1 spot in the Womens Casino Gauntlet match on Dynamite with Kris Statlander getting the win over Toni Storm , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni, Matt Lee , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # Fan Chants aew toni willow
20th March 2024 Deonna Purrazzo Thunder Rosa (duos) defeated Mariah May Toni Storm (duos) in a Womens Tag match on Dynamite with Luther ringside distraction from Luther with Thunder Rosa getting the win over Toni Storm , match officiated by Rick Knox and commentary from Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts match held in Canada # pre-emptive attack
11th January 2023 Britt Baker Jamie Hayter (duos) defeated Saraya Toni Storm (duos) in a Womens Tag match on Dynamite with Rebel ringside distraction from Rebel – interference from Hikaru Shida with Jamie Hayter getting the win over Toni Storm and commentary from Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone #
14th September 2022 Britt Baker Serena Deeb (duos) defeated Athena Toni Storm (duos) in a Womens Tag match on Dynamite with Rebel ringside distraction from Rebel beat down by Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter with Serena Deeb getting the win over Toni Storm #
3rd August 2022 Britt Baker Jamie Hayter (duos) defeated Thunder Rosa Thunderstorm Toni Storm (duos) in a Womens Tag match on Dynamite with Rebel ringside distraction from Rebel with Jamie Hayter getting the win over Toni Storm #