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Darby Allin

matches in 07/2023

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29th July 2023
Darby Allin defeated Minoru Suzuki #

26th July 2023
Swerve Strickland defeated Darby Allin #

22nd July 2023
Christian Cage Ricky Starks (duos) defeated CM Punk Darby Allin (duos) #

21st July 2023
Darby Allin defeated Big Bill Brian Cage Ethan Page Jake Hager Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett Jeff Parker Kaun Komander Matt Hardy Matt Lee Matt Sydal Minoru Suzuki Nick Wayne Swerve Strickland The Blade The Butcher Toa Liona #

12th July 2023
Daniel Garcia Sammy Guevara (duos) defeated Darby Allin Orange Cassidy (duos) #

05th July 2023
Darby Allin Orange Cassidy (duos) defeated Keith Lee Swerve in our Glory Swerve Strickland (duos) #

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