12th December 2022 2point0 Jeff Parker Matt Lee (duos) defeated Fly Def Warren Johnson Zach Mason (duos) in a Tag squash match on Elevation with Jeff Parker getting the win over Warren Johnson and commentary from Paul Wight, Tony Schiavone #
10th May 2022 Austin Gunn Colten Gunn The Gunns (duos) defeated Fly Def Warren Johnson Zach Mason (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Billy Gunn ringside – interference from Billy Gunn with Austin Gunn getting the win over Warren Johnson #
23rd August 2021 Brian Pillman Jr Griff Garrison The Blonds (duos) defeated Fly Def Warren Johnson Zach Mason (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Julia Hart ringside with Brian Pillman Jr getting the win over Warren Johnson #
19th August 2021 Ortiz Proud-n-Powerful Santana (duos) defeated Fly Def Warren Johnson Zach Mason (duos) in a Tag match on Elevation with Ortiz getting the win over Warren Johnson #
27th July 2021 Evil Uno Stu Grayson (duos) defeated Fly Def Warren Johnson Zach Mason (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Stu Grayson getting the win over Warren Johnson #