28th December 2024 MJF defeated Adam Cole in a Singles match on PPV Worlds End to obtain the Dynamite Diamond Ring, with Matt Taven, Mike Bennett ringside beat down by Adam Cole, Kyle O Reilly, Roderick Strong & Roderick Strong made the save , match officiated by Bryce Remsburg and commentary from Excalibur, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # bitingbloodchairlow blowspitsteel stepsthe fingerwater Fan Chants hes our scumbag
3rd September 2023 Adam Cole MJF (duos) defeated Alex Reynolds John Silver (duos) in a Tag match on All Out PPV to Retain ROH tag title with Evil Uno ringside distraction from Evil Uno – interference from Evil Uno with Adam Cole getting the win over Alex Reynolds , match officiated by Paul Turner and commentary from Excalibur, Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # audience drinkbitingchairdoctoreye pokeneck injury
27th August 2023 MJF defeated Adam Cole in a Singles match on All In PPV to retain World title – interference from Roderick Strong which ended with a staredown with Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Roderick Strong , match officiated by Bryce Remsburg and commentary from Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness, Taz , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts match held in England # announce tablebitingblooddiamond ringeye pokehandshakelow blowreferee bumpsteel stepstshirt
28th May 2023 Adam Cole defeated Chris Jericho in a Singles Unsanctioned match on Double or Nothing PPV with Daniel Garcia, Jake Hager, Jeff Parker, Matt Lee, Roderick Strong, Sabu ringside beat down by Daniel Garcia, Jake Hager, Jeff Parker, Matt Lee – interference from Britt Baker, Daniel Garcia, Jake Hager, Jeff Parker, Matt Lee, Sabu & Roderick Strong, Sabu, Saraya made the save , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Taz , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # chainschairfire extinguisherhandcuffkendo sticktable
26th June 2022 Jay White defeated Adam Cole Adam Page Kazuchika Okada in a Fatal 4 Way match on Forbidden Door PPV to retain IWGP Heavyweight title with Gedo ringside with Jay White getting the win over Adam Cole , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts, Takuro Shibata #
29th May 2022 Adam Cole defeated Samoa Joe in a Singles Final of the Owen Hart Foundation Cup, tournament match on Double or Nothing PPV to obtain the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Title Belt, – interference from Bobby Fish , match officiated by Mike Chioda and commentary from Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # bloodtrophy
6th March 2022 Adam Page defeated Adam Cole in a Singles match on PPV Revolution to retain World title #
13th November 2021 Christian Cage Jungle Boy Luchasaurus (trio) defeated Adam Cole Matt Jackson Nick Jackson SuperKliq (trio) in a Trios match on Full Gear PPV with Brandon Cutler, MT Nakazawa ringside with Jungle Boy getting the win over Matt Jackson #