7th June 2024 Anthony Bowens Max Caster The Acclaimed (duos) defeated Hunter Grey Parviz Pillars of Destiny (duos) in a Tag squash match on Rampage with Billy Gunn ringside with Max Caster getting the win over Hunter Grey , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Excalibur, Matt Lee, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts #
15th December 2023 Kyle Fletcher Powerhouse Hobbs (duos) defeated Hunter Grey Parviz Pillars of Destiny (duos) in a Tag match on Rampage with Don Callis ringside beat down by Don Callis which ended with a staredown with Chris Jericho with Powerhouse Hobbs getting the win over Parviz , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Chris Jericho, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # pre-emptive attack