28th September 2021 Adrian Jaoude Cezar Bononi (duos) defeated Jake St Patrick Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Cezar Bononi getting the win over Ryzin #
6th July 2021 Fuego Del Sol Marko Stunt (duos) defeated Baron Black Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Fuego del Sol getting the win over Ryzin #
11th May 2021 Aaron Solo Nick Comoroto QT Marshall The Factory (trio) defeated Jake Logan Rick Recon Ryzin (trio) in a Trios match on Dark with Anthony Ogogo ringside with QT Marshall getting the win over Ryzin #
20th April 2021 Christopher Daniels Frankie Kazarian (duos) defeated John Skyler Ryzin (duos) in a Tag match on Dark with Frankie Kazarian getting the win over Ryzin #