15th November 2023 Chris Jericho Kenny Omega Kota Ibushi Paul Wight defeated Brian Cage Konosuke Takeshita Kyle Fletcher Powerhouse Hobbs in a 8 Man Tag Street Fight match on Dynamite with Kenny Omega getting the win over Brian Cage , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards, Paul Turner and commentary from Don Callis, Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # barbed wire batbarricadebaseball batbatonbeer bottlesbeer canbelt barrierbicyclebitingbloodboardcarchairscratecrispsduck tapefire extinguisherfurniturepalletpiperestaurant menushoveltabletie choketrash lid
1st October 2023 Konosuke Takeshita Sammy Guevara Will Ospreay (trio) defeated Chris Jericho Kenny Omega Kota Ibushi (trio) in a Trios match on PPV WrestleDream with Don Callis ringside – interference from Don Callis with Sammy Guevara getting the win over Chris Jericho , match officiated by Aubrey Edwards and commentary from Nigel McGuinness, Taz, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # arm extensionbaseball bateye poke
27th August 2023 Jay White Juice Robinson Konosuke Takeshita (trio) defeated Adam Page Kenny Omega Kota Ibushi (trio) in a Trios match on All In PPV with Austin Gunn, Billy Gunn ringside – interference from Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn with Konosuke Takeshita getting the win over Kenny Omega , match officiated by Rick Knox and commentary from Don Callis, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Nigel McGuinness , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts match held in England #
19th July 2023 Adam Page Kenny Omega Kota Ibushi Matt Jackson Nick Jackson defeated Claudio Castagnoli Jon Moxley Konosuke Takeshita PAC Wheeler Yuta in a 10 Man Tag Blood & Guts match on Dynamite with Adam Cole getting the win over Wheeler Yuta , match officiated by Brandon Martinez, Bryce Remsburg, Mike Posey, Paul Turner, Rick Knox, Stephon Smith and commentary from Don Callis, Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone , the ring announcer was Justin Roberts # bed of nailsbitingbloodbroken glassbucketchairforksteel cagesteel chintablethumbtackstrash can Fan Chants aew fight forever fuck you callis holy shit kenny use this ring we want fire we want tables